Web Application
Focus Groups
This focus group aims to engage children and youth in exploring what they would want to see in an application that can support their mental health. They'll have the chance to play with existing apps as well as working with others to brainstorm their own. As our project aims to co-create this app with youth, all the participants will have the option of being listed as a co-creator of the app.

Part 1: App testing
In the app testing portion of the focus group, youth had the chance to play with various apps including an early prototype of the CYMH Web Application. Children and youth were provided with feedback forms and had a chance to share their thoughts on the existing apps.
Part 2: App creation
After testing the apps, we asked the youth what they would want to see in an application that supports their mental health and wellness. They were invited to collaborate with each other and brainstorm ideas for their own app.

Part 3: Sharing ideas
Youth were then invited to share their ideas with the rest of the group!

What's next and where are we now?
We're analyzing and preparing the data for another iteration of the CYMH Web App based all the youth feedback
After the redesign, we are inviting youth to join us again for another round of focus groups. Stay tuned!